Loan Service and Privacy Agreement

1. Service content

1.1 You need to register an account before using the service of "PesoOnline" platform. The account should be bond mobile phone number.

1.2 The specific content of services provided by PesoOnline platform shall be provided by law-spirit according to the actual situation, including but not limited to requiring you to fill in your personal information and using all means to contact customers if you are overdue.Services provided by PesoOnline may be modified and the contents of services provided by PesoOnline may change from time to time;If you do not agree, please stop using the services provided by "PesoOnline" immediately.

1.3 Your " PesoOnline "account is only for your own use and shall not be transferred, lent or sold to a third party.Your " PesoOnline " account (including but not limited to the user name and password) shall be kept by yourself, and you shall be liable for any loss and liability caused by the disclosure.You confirm that all actions performed by logging in with your account and password are deemed as your actions and the legal consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by you.

2. Protection of personal privacy information

2.1 In the process of registering an account or using the services of the " PesoOnline " platform, you may need to fill in or submit some necessary information, including but not limited to the identity information that needs to be filled in according to laws and regulations and other regulatory documents (hereinafter referred to as" laws and regulations ").The information and materials submitted by you should be true, accurate, completed and up-to-date. If the information and materials submitted by you are not complete or do not comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, you may not be able to use the services of the " PesoOnline " platform or be restricted in the use of the services.If the information and data submitted by you are changed, you shall timely update the corresponding information and data to " PesoOnline " platform. All existing information and data will remain valid until you update them.If you fail to update the information in time, the legal responsibility and consequences will be borne by you.

2.2 Personal privacy information is referred for your personal identity or personal privacy information, including but not limited to, your real name, ID number, front and back identity card photo, bank card information, phone number, mobile phone address book, identification number of mobile phone device, IP address, message record, chat records, permanent address, work, marriage and family status, social account information, etc.Non-personal privacy information refers to the basic recording information that you clearly and objectively reflect on the server side of " PesoOnline "platform, such as the operation status and usage habits of" PesoOnline "platform services, other ordinary information beyond the scope of personal privacy information, and the above privacy information that you agree to disclose.

2.3 You shall not use the information of others to register to use the services of " PesoOnline ”platform or provide non-conforming services to" PesoOnline "platform All legal liabilities and consequences arising from the above information and materials shall be borne by you. If this causes any loss to " PesoOnline " and other registered users, you shall be liable for compensation.

2.4 If " PesoOnline " believes that the information and data provided by " PesoOnline " may be incorrect, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, " PesoOnline " shall have the right to send you an inquiry and/or request correction notice, and shall have the right to directly delete the relevant information and data until it discontinues or terminates some/all of its services to you.The loss caused by this shall be borne by you.

2.5 You agree that " PesoOnline " has the right to disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1) " PesoOnline "provides your personal privacy information in accordance with laws and regulations or instructions of state authorities;

(2) Disclosure of any personal information caused by your disclosing your password to others or sharing your registered account and password with others, or disclosure of any personal privacy information not caused by " PesoOnline ";

(3) You disclose your personal privacy information to a third party by yourself;

(4) You have reached an agreement with " PesoOnline " and the partner institutions on the use and disclosure of users' personal privacy information, so " PesoOnline " discloses users' personal privacy information to the partner;

(5) If you fail to fulfill the repayment obligation after the deadline, " PesoOnline " or the cooperative institution will disclose your personal information to the public (including but not limited to the lender, the contact person updated from time to time in the contact book provided by you, the contact person updated from time to time in the contact person's phone, the contact person or group of the social account provided by you);

(6) When other users initiate a lawsuit or arbitration proceedings against you for breach of contract in the activities of " PesoOnline ", " PesoOnline " will disclose your personal information to such registered users upon the request of such registered users;

(7) You agree that " PesoOnline " may retrieve your transaction records in such third-party payment institution from the cooperating third-party payment institution, including but not limited to recharge records, transfer records, withdrawal records, etc.;

(8) Any disclosure of users' personal privacy information caused by hacker attacks, computer viruses and other Force majeure events.

2.6 In order to improve " PesoOnline "'s technology and services and provide better service experience to users, " PesoOnline " may collect and use or provide users' non-personal privacy information to a third party.

3.Content specification

3.1 The contents mentioned in this article refers to the service you use" PesoOnline " platform in the process of making, uploading, reproduction, distribution, transmission of any content, including but not limited to IOUS, borrowing information, credit information, or text, voice, image, video, graphic, automatic reply or a reply message sending and a link to the page, and use other accounts or the content of this service.

3.2 You shall not use the " PesoOnline " account or the service to produce, upload, copy, publish or disseminate the following contents that interfere with the normal operation of the" PesoOnline "platform or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:

(1) Contains any sexual or sexual innuendo;

(2) Those containing abusive, threatening or threatening contents;

(3) Those containing harassment, spam, malicious information or decoy information;

(4) Involving the privacy, personal information or data of others;

(5) Infringing upon others' right of reputation, right of portrait, intellectual property right, trade secret and other legal rights;

(6) Contains other information that interferes with the normal operation of the platform and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.

3.3 When you completed the information, please fill in the vaild emergency contact and we will contact them randomly.

4. Rules of use

4.1 Any content you transmit or publish in or through the services provided by " PesoOnline " on the platform does not reflect or represent, nor shall it be deemed to reflect or represent " PesoOnline "'s views, positions or policies, for which " PesoOnline " assumes no responsibility.

4.2 You shall not use the account of " PesoOnline " or the services provided by" PesoOnline "platform to do the following:

(1) Submitting or publishing false information, or embezzling others' photos or materials, or impersonating or using the name of others;

(2) Forcing or inducing other users to follow, click the linked page or share information;

(3) Making up facts or concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;

(4) Establishing false accounts in batches by technical means;

(5) Engage in any illegal and criminal activities by using " PesoOnline " account or the services provided by" PesoOnline "platform;

(6) Make and publish methods and tools related to the above behaviors, or operate or disseminate such methods and tools, regardless of whether these behaviors are for commercial purposes;

(7) Other ACTS that violate laws and regulations, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfere with the normal operation of the platform or are not expressly authorized by " PesoOnline ".

4.3 You shall be solely responsible for the authenticity, legality, harmlessness, accuracy and validity of the information transmitted by using the" PesoOnline " account or the services provided by" PesoOnline "platform.If any damage is caused to " PesoOnline " or any third party as a result, you shall indemnify " PesoOnline " according to law.

4.4 The services provided by " PesoOnline " may include advertisements, and you agree to display advertisements provided by " PesoOnline " and third-party suppliers and partners during use.Except as expressly provided by laws and regulations, you shall be solely responsible for the transactions conducted in accordance with the advertising information, and " PesoOnline " shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of the transactions conducted in accordance with the advertising information or the content provided by the aforementioned advertisers.

5. Account management

5.1 MYCASH LENDING INVESTORS INC. owns the ownership of " PesoOnline " platform, but authorizes" PesoOnline "to operate and manage it fully.After you complete the registration procedures, you will be granted the right to use the " PesoOnline " account. The right to use belongs to the original registrant, and is not allowed to be donated, borrowed, rented, transferred or sold." PesoOnline " has the right to reclaim your" PesoOnline "account for business needs.

5.2 You may change or delete the personal data, registration information and transmission contents of " PesoOnline "account, but you should note that deleting the relevant information will also delete the text and pictures stored in the system by the user, and you shall bear the risk.

5.3 You are responsible for properly keeping the security of the registered account information and account password. You shall bear the responsibility for any number theft or password theft that may occur due to improper keeping of the user.You need to take legal responsibility for the behavior under the registered account and password.You agree not to use another user's account or password under any circumstances.You agree to notify " PesoOnline " immediately if you suspect others of using their account or password.

5.4 You shall abide by the terms of this agreement and use the services provided by the " PesoOnline "platform in a correct and appropriate manner. If you violate any of the terms of this agreement, " PesoOnline " shall have the right to suspend or terminate the service provided to the account of the defaulting user of " PesoOnline " according to the agreement after notifying you.Meanwhile," PesoOnline " reserves the right to recall " PesoOnline "'s account and user name at any time.

5.5 If you do not log in one year after you register " PesoOnline " account," PesoOnline " may withdraw the account after notifying you, so as to avoid resource waste, and you shall bear the adverse consequences caused thereby.

6.Data storage

6.1 " PesoOnline " shall not be responsible for the deletion or storage failure of relevant data in the service.

6.2 " PesoOnline " may determine by itself the maximum storage period of data provided by" PesoOnline "platform and allocate the maximum storage space of data on the server according to the actual situation.You can backup the relevant data in the service according to your own needs.

6.3 If you stop using the service of " PesoOnline " platform or the service terminates," PesoOnline "may permanently delete your data from the server.Upon termination of the service, " PesoOnline " shall not be obligated to return any data to you.

7. Risk taking

7.1 You understand and agree to the terms of service of PesoOnline platform, and you must be responsible for all actions under your registered account, including any content transmitted by users and any consequences arising therefrom.You shall make your own judgment on the content of PesoOnline platform and the services provided, and assume all risks arising from the use of the content. If you find that any person violates the provisions of this agreement or USES the services in other improper ways, please immediately report or complain to PesoOnline, and PesoOnline will deal with it in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.If you find any person violating provisions hereof or using the services in other improper ways, please report or complain to " PesoOnline " immediately and " PesoOnline " will deal with the matter in accordance with provisions hereof.

7.2 You understand and agree that, as required by business development, " PesoOnline " reserves the right to unilaterally change, suspend, terminate or cancel all or part of the services provided by " PesoOnline "'s platform at your own risk.

7.3 If you disclose your account password, bank card password or relevant information for reasons other than " PesoOnline ", all losses arising therefrom shall be borne by you.

7.4 If you find that others are using or misappropriating your account and password or engaging in any other unauthorized behavior, you shall immediately notify " PesoOnline " in writing and request the suspension of service." PesoOnline " will respond positively to your requirements;However, you understand that there is a reasonable time limit for taking action on your request, and prior to that time, " PesoOnline " will not be liable for any loss to you caused by reading the instructions that have been executed.

7.5 Based on the requirements of operation and transaction security," PesoOnline " may temporarily stop providing, restricting or changing some functions of " PesoOnline "'s platform or provide new functions. In order to ensure the service quality, " PesoOnline " has the right to make regulatory adjustments to the service according to the rules.In the event of any reduction, increase or change in functions or services, as long as you still use the services of " PesoOnline ", you still agree to this agreement or the modified agreement.

7.6 If your breach of contract on the platform causes any mental damage or property loss to your relatives, stakeholders or other social contacts, " PesoOnline " shall not be liable for such mental damage or property loss.

8. Declaration of intellectual property rights

8.1 In addition to the services involved in advertising by corresponding advertisers have intellectual property rights, " PesoOnline " in this service is provided in the content (including but not limited to web pages, text, images, audio, video, graphics, etc.) of the intellectual property rights are owned by" PesoOnline ", but users before using this service to your content has been lawfully obtained unless the intellectual property rights.

8.2 Unless otherwise specifically stated, the copyright, patent rights and other intellectual property rights of the software on which " PesoOnline " provides the service remain with " PesoOnline " .

8.3 The copyright or trademark rights of the graphics, texts or their components involved in the service and other " PesoOnline " marks and names of products and services (hereinafter collectively referred to as" "marks") belong to " PesoOnline " .Without " PesoOnline " 's prior written consent, customer shall not display, use or otherwise process " PesoOnline "'s logos in any way, nor shall it indicate to others that it has the right to do so.

8.4 The intellectual property rights lawfully owned by " PesoOnline " or any other relevant advertiser are protected by law, and users may not use or create derivative works in any form without the written permission of " PesoOnline " or the relevant advertiser.

9. Legal responsibility

9.1 If " PesoOnline " find or receive others to report complaints or user violates this agreement," PesoOnline "shall have the right at any time without further notice to the related content, including but not limited to, user profiles, chat logs review, delete, and depending on the seriousness of the violations bank account be including but not limited to, warning, banned banned penalty, equipment banned, function, and notify the user.

9.2 You understand and agree that " PesoOnline " has the right to punish any violation of relevant laws and regulations or provisions of this agreement based on its reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal actions against any users who violate laws and regulations, and keep relevant information to report to relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations, and you shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.

9.3 You understand and agree that you shall indemnify and hold PesoOnline harmless from any legal action arising out of failure to comply with PesoOnline's agreement or from any claim, demand or loss arising out of breach of this agreement, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

10. Force majeure and other exemption excuses

10.1 You understand and acknowledge that in the process of using the services of the " PesoOnline " platform, the service may be interrupted due to force majeure or other risk factors.Force majeure refers to the objective events that are unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable and have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, as well as social events such as wars, disturbances and government actions.In the event of the above situation, " PesoOnline " will try to cooperate with relevant units in the first time and timely Make up, but " PesoOnline "and its cooperative units shall not assume the corresponding legal liability for the losses caused to users or third parties, and shall only be exempted from liability within the scope prescribed by law.

10.2 The services provided by " PesoOnline " platform, like most Internet services, may be affected by various security issues, including but not limited to differences in user reasons, network service quality, social environment and other factors.Users download and install other software or visit other websites with viruses, which threaten the security of users' computer information and data, and then affect the normal use of the service.You should strengthen information security and user data protection awareness, pay attention to strengthen password protection, to avoid losses and harassment.

10.3 You understand and confirm," PesoOnline " platform services exist because of force majeure, a computer virus or hacker attacks, unstable system, the location of the user, the user shutdown as well as any other technology, such as the Internet, communication lines cause the service interruption or can not meet the requirement of the user's risk, thus leading to the user or the third party for any loss," PesoOnline "does not undertake any responsibility.

10.4 You understand and confirm, in the use of " PesoOnline " exist in the process of platform to provide services from any others include misleading, fraudulent, threatening, defamatory, offensive, or illegal information, or infringement of the rights of others to remain anonymous or pseudonymous information, as well as with the behavior of such information, thus lead to the user or the third party for any loss," PesoOnline "does not undertake any responsibility.

10.5 You understand and acknowledge that " PesoOnline " needs to carry out regular or irregular maintenance of" PesoOnline "'s platform or related equipment, and " PesoOnline " shall not be liable for any interruption of the service within a reasonable period of time due to such circumstances, provided that " PesoOnline " shall notify in advance.

10.6 " PesoOnline " has the right to deal with the contents of violation of laws and regulations or breach of contract in accordance with laws and regulations and provisions of this agreement. Such right does not constitute an obligation or commitment of " PesoOnline ", and " PesoOnline " cannot guarantee that any violation or breach of contract will be discovered or dealt with in a timely manner.

10.7 You understand and acknowledge that " PesoOnline " shall not be liable for any quality defects of the following products or services provided by " PesoOnline " to customer and any losses arising therefrom:

(1) Services provided to users free by " PesoOnline ";

(2) Any products or services that " PesoOnline " gives away to users.

10.8 Under no circumstances shall " PesoOnline "be liable for any indirect, consequential, punitive, contingent, special or penalized damages, including loss of profits suffered by users using the " PesoOnline "platform services (even if" PesoOnline " has been told the possibility of being informed of such losses is also the case." Although this Agreement may contain conflicting regulations, " PesoOnline " will not, for any reason or in any manner, exceed the amount paid by customer to " PesoOnline " for the use of the services provided by" PesoOnline ", (if there be)

11. Change, interruption and termination of services

11.1 In view of the particularity of network services, you agree that " PesoOnline " has the right to change, interrupt or terminate some or all of the services at any time.If " PesoOnline " changes, interrupts or terminates the services, " PesoOnline " shall notify customer prior to such change, interruption or termination, and " PesoOnline " shall provide the affected users with alternative services of equivalent value.

11.2 In any of the following circumstances, " PesoOnline " shall have the right to change, interrupt or terminate the free or paid services provided to you without any liability to you or any third party:

(1) According to the law, the user should submit valid information, and the personal data provided by the user is not valid, or inconsistent with the information at the time of registration, and fails to provide reasonable proof;

(2) Users violate relevant laws and regulations or provisions of this agreement;

(3) In accordance with laws or requirements of competent authorities;

(4) For safety reasons or other necessary circumstances.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1" PesoOnline "solemnly reminds you to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt" PesoOnline "from its responsibilities and limit users' rights. Please read carefully and consider the risks independently.

12.2 The validity, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of Philippines. Any dispute or dispute between customer and " PesoOnline " shall first be settled through friendly negotiation. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, customer agrees to submit the dispute or dispute to the people's court having jurisdiction in " PesoOnline "'s place of domicile.

12.3 If any provision of this agreement is invalid or not enforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding upon both parties.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is applicable to how the PesoOnline handles personally identifiable information that is left when users log in to the APP and server. you consent to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below and automatically consent to the collection, use, storage, analysis and manipulation of your data information in accordance with this Privacy Policy to provide you with a great customer experience.

Please be noted that this privacy policy possibly amended from time to time to comply with data privacy requirements, coverage and technical security developments, and that the modified agreement will take effect as soon as it is published.Your Consent.

1.Collection and Use of Information

The PesoOnline will collect your personally identifiable information when you register a PesoOnline account, use other PesoOnline products or services, access PesoOnline webpages, or participate in promotional or prize winning games.

When you register a PesoOnline account, we will ask for your name, email address, interests, birthday, gender and other personal information, in addition to a personal profile. Once you are successfully registered with the PesoOnline, we will be able to identify you when you log in to the server.

The PesoOnline uses this information to enhance the quality of the loan services that we provide and to improve the effectiveness to better tailor our services to your interests and needs.

2.Disclosure and Sharing of Information

When you submit the information, it shall be deemed as your consent to the PesoOnline's regarding the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information by the PesoOnline. The PesoOnline will never display, rent or sell your personally identifiable information to others.

3.The following circumstances are excluded:

When your desired products and services can only be provided if your personal information is disclosed;

When we are required to provide information to the companies that provide products or services on our behalf; (unless we notify you otherwise, these companies do not have the right to use your personally identifiable information); When we are required to comply with a court summons, court order or to comply with a legal process;

When we discover that you have violated the terms of use of the PesoOnline

The PesoOnline is not responsible for any collection, disclosure and/or use of your personal information provided by you to any third party's website which may be linked to or from our website.

4.Security Safeguards

Your PesoOnline account is password protected to ensure the security of your privacy and information.Under certain conditions, the PesoOnline uses the universally accepted SSL encryption system to ensure the security of information transfer.

5.Collection of Information

We collect personal information in connection with our services. When we use the term "personal information" we are referring to information that can be used to uniquely identify a user, which may include, but is not limited to: name, gender, place and date of birth, identification document, facial image (for anti-fraud verification), residence, phone number, email address, job and the user’s Facebook, Lns, Linkedin, Lazada, Grab and other information we need.

When a user registers an account in PesoOnline, the user provides personal registration information in accordance with the requirements of PesoOnline, including but not limited to mobile phone number, SMS verification code and history

If user want to apply for a loan, user need to authorize PesoOnline to obtain the following permissions:

Reading call records: Our risk control requires access to your call records to determine whether the device you are using is working properly. A more detailed explanation is that we can determine the authenticity of the account by counting the number of call records of the account. To achieve anti-fraud purposes

App Usage Permissions:By analyzing your app usage data, we gain valuable insights into your financial preferences and behavior. This enables us to accurately recommend the most suitable loan products, making your borrowing experience faster and more personalized. Your data is crucial to us as it helps optimize our risk management systems and enhance the accuracy of our risk assessments, ensuring that you receive safe and reliable financial services.

SMS permissions:

Only financial transaction text messages, including transaction party names, transaction descriptions and transaction amounts, are collected and monitored for credit risk assessment. No personal text messages will be accessed, read or collected.

Camera access: We need access to your camera to verify the authenticity of your ID and prevent fraud

PesoOnline will not share any personally identifiable information with other parties except as described in this policy and in the applicant consent form signed by the client. PesoOnline also processes anonymous data, whether aggregated or not, to analyze and generate statistics related to product usage patterns and user statistics. This anonymous data does not allow identification of users associated with it. PesoOnline can share anonymous data with third parties, whether aggregated or not.

We have the right to replace, add, change or reduce the kind of information we need without the consent any party in accordance with applicable regulation in Philippines. Personal information can be kept to certain period in accordance with the needs of PesoOnline.

6.Use of Information

Your personal information will be used to understand your need and our service. PesoOnline solicits user's personal information collected for purpose including:

  • 1. To integrate and process information in order to provide better product service for users, and improve and optimize PesoOnline's services.
  • 2. Comparison of information accuracy with third parties in the case of verification. For example, to verify the identity of the user that was sent to us and for the authentication service.
  • 3. PesoOnline may use the user's personal information to provide notices, marketing activities and other commercial information that the user requests.
  • 4. Subject to this agreement is subject to the applicable legal provisions, PesoOnline will never provide, sell, rent, share or otherwise transmit any user personal information to an unrelated third party.
  • 7.Protection of Information

    We respect your privacy. Personally identifiable information provided to PesoOnline will be collected, processed and stored us in a secure database under our control. PesoOnline has taken reasonable steps to protect the information users share with us, including, but not limited to, setup of processes, equipment and software to avoid unauthorized access or disclosure of this information.

    We only permit your Customer Data to be accessed or processed by our authorized personnel who hold such information under strict confidentiality. We restrict access to information to PesoOnline employees, contractors, and agents who need to know such information in order to process it for us, who are subject to strict contractual and technical safeguards and are accountable if they fail to meet these obligations. Furthermore, we only give you or your authorized representative access to your Personal Information. We do not sell your Personal Information to anyone for any purpose.

    8.Security Information

    We will provide reasonable data security protection for the information you provide to us to prevent unauthorized users from disclosing any information intentionally or unintentionally, resulting in the disappearance of the information you provide to us. However, we cannot guarantee that your personal information is 100% safe. We cannot be responsible for the security of the information you provide us, nor can we guarantee the security of your own information. Your personal information will be permanently deleted if we don't need it. We will not sell or disclose to third parties personal information collected by our users from PesoOnline services, unless required by law or with your prior informed consent.

    PesoOnline will keep the confidentiality of the information provided by users and will not notify of the information provided by users and will not notify to external institutions except under circumstances:

  • 1. Beforehand, we will disclose user's personal information to the public only with the consent of the users concerned;
  • 2. Disclosure is required by law, regulation or public authority that PesoOnline may disclose personal information of users to law enforcement agencies such as courts, regulatory authorities, or applicable laws and regulations;
  • 3. PesoOnline reserves the right to disclose user information to counter parties in transactions and intermediaries by parties (but not limited to Lawyers, Accountants, etc.), when PesoOnline engages in business transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, etc. PesoOnline will continue to ensure the confidentiality of personal information before being transferred or entered into other privacy policies and will notify the parties involved immediately.
  • 9. Amendments to the Privacy Policy

    The PesoOnline periodically makes changes to the privacy policy. If there are significant changes to the privacy policy, we will promptly notify users by posting the relevant terms in a prominent position on the APP.

    Disclosure Statement for Accessing Address Book

    You must read and agree to the contents of this Notice for Obtaining User Address Book before you can become a PesoOnline loan user. This notice will take effect immediately after you register as a "PesoOnline" user, and will also bind you to "PesoOnline";

    When users use products and services, we will request the user's consent, and only after obtaining the user's permission will we access the user's contact directory. We will report the acquired data to the PesoOnline server for storage.

    1. How to use your contact information?

    Please rest assured that we will not disturb the user's contacts as long as the user's service is not hindered.

    2. We may share user information with third parties We may share users’personal information in the following situations:

    3. How do we protect user information?

    4. How to keep information confidential

    PesoOnline is protected by computers, such as firewalls, data encryption, and only allows employees to access personal information when needed. Our data is encrypted before, during and after submission to ensure the security of your personal infor.